
Bridget Eir is first and foremost a passion project designed to educate people on the Culinary, Medicinal and Historical uses of herbs found under your feet, we believe that the old ancient knowledge of the flora that surround us has all but disappeared and with the hustle a bustle in the internet age we believe, sometimes it's good idea to get back to your roots.

Here we offer a free resource on the plants of various uses found in Britain. Our hope is that in time we can teach, learn and build a community as we grow and relearn the ancient wisdom we have lost to time. Some of the information within this website is quite literally folklore and quack medicine but is of historical interest and some of it has been used since the dawn of civilisation with documented efficacy. However take what you read here with a pinch of salt and we by no means believe that this information should be used as replacement to modern medicine.

This hobby can be pretty daunting especially certain family's but we will try our best to help you identify the key features to help with safety and harm reduction. Please read our disclaimer here.

Online Resources

  • Current content: Easily digestible information available now.

  • Ongoing updates: Comprehensive essays on each herb are in progress.

  • Explanation of the relevant Laws in the UK

  • Explore our extensive herb gallery, with new additions regularly.

  • Handy Beginners Guide in what you need to get started.